
Structured Word Inquiry
Analyzing words using Structured Word Inquiry (SWI) gives us a chance to understand our language better. When we study a word using SWI we hone in on it’s spelling and meaning then expand our understanding of the word by connecting it to it’s etymological relatives.

Sentence Composition using Story Grammar for Elementary School
Using the sentences of famous authors provided in the book, we’ll be learning grammatical structures that are useful in writing sophisticated sentences. We’ll be manipulating and imitating the author’s sentences and learning tools that are helpful in expanding sentences to add more information and meaning.

Grammar Basics
using Hands-On English – with Linking Blocks™
Typical grammar instruction teaches grammatical form and function separate from each other, which can make it difficult to learn. This class teaches grammatical form and function together in an explicit, cumulative manner which makes it easier to understand, and provides a foundation that is helpful for reading and writing. Color coding adds a visual element that is useful in organizing the information.
Hands-On English – with Linking Blocks™ is a registered trademark of Linking Blocks Partners, LLC.

Private Tutoring
Private tutoring is an excellent option for students who need individualized attention to focus on their unique needs.